New government builds to add pressure to class-B landlords
With the first of five new government office buildings scheduled for completion this year, local real estate observers are watching which departments are starting to
New government builds to add pressure to class-B landlords
With the first of five new government office buildings scheduled for completion this year, local real estate observers are watching which departments are starting to
Feds renew Centennial Towers lease with Morguard
The city’s largest private-sector landlord has renewed a lease with the federal government for more than 378,000 square feet inside a downtown office tower, according
Competition heats up downtown as Morguard launches build
Additional inventory to put downward pressure on rents, observers predict One of the city’s largest landlords is pushing ahead with construction of a 22-storey office
Stand on the Mackenzie King Bridge, just outside the Rideau Centre, facing west, and one stares directly at what’s supposed to become a $487-million “jewel.”
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Cultural Differences and Conflict Resolution in Global Teams
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall