Op-ed: Tips for Ottawa landlords and tenants in trying times
By showing compassion and practicality, property owners and renters will find a way through the COVID-19 crisis, Bruce Firestone writes
Op-ed: Tips for Ottawa landlords and tenants in trying times
By showing compassion and practicality, property owners and renters will find a way through the COVID-19 crisis, Bruce Firestone writes
Op-ed: Affordable housing trumps talent, says survey of Ottawa residents’ priorities
OBJ columnist Bruce Firestone asked local residents what matters most to them – and received some surprising answers
Op-ed: Moving toward a more livable Ottawa
In the last of a three-part series, OBJ columnist Bruce Firestone looks at ways the City of Ottawa can redesign itself to prepare for the
Op-ed: What Ottawa can learn from Europe’s best cities
In part two of a three-part series, OBJ columnist Bruce Firestone looks at what Vienna and Rotterdam are doing to win the increasingly competitive race
Op-ed: Zoning in on a better Ottawa
The late urban planning writer Jane Jacobs, the renowned author of the Death and Life of Great American Cities, had a theory: the closer government
Ottawa chef finds recipe for success in burger theme park model
Like a big, juicy cheeseburger and fries, food and real estate go hand in hand. Location, after all, plays a vital part in many restaurants’
Op-ed: Why Ottawa needs a ‘job policy’
The city’s new head of planning and economic development knows that a one-size-fits-all approach to planning and infrastructure makes no sense. As part of his
Op-ed: Meet Steve Willis, City Hall’s most important person
I met with Steve Willis in his office at City Hall after everyone else’s workday seemed to be over except his. He’s the City of
Opinion: Ottawa’s OakWood building strong reputation
I think it’s fair to say that Ottawa is not exactly renowned for having a plethora of great companies. So imagine my surprise when I
Column: Why the Ottawa Senators call Kanata home
Some critics say the decision to build a west-end arena is behind the Sens’ failure to sell out playoff games. As Bruce Firestone argues, the
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What about the First Home Savings Account?
10 essential considerations when selling your business
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall