Ottawa’s Cleland Jardine Engineering acquired by Montreal firm
Ottawa firm – which, as the story goes, was hatched after its founders weighed the pros and cons of starting their own business over beverages
Ottawa’s Cleland Jardine Engineering acquired by Montreal firm
Ottawa firm – which, as the story goes, was hatched after its founders weighed the pros and cons of starting their own business over beverages
Ottawa’s Mike Cleland and Bob Jardine engineering an enduring partnership
Sometimes, if you really want to get ahead, you have to break from the pack. That’s what structural engineer Mike Cleland realized as he convinced
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Canadian Trademark Office to send notices to random trademark owners to prove use of their marks
Don’t Let Your Passion Kill Your Business
AI and data Governance: 3 steps to kick-start your journey
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall