Education: Bachelor of arts in economics, Carleton University (2004)
Biggest business achievement: Growing Plum Realty from five employees to 25 in the first six months.
Biggest obstacle overcome: Moving out of day-to-day sales into a leadership role of growing the company. I had to create a unique value proposition to attract enough highly effective realtors to join Plum Realty.
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Biggest influence: My father. He possesses incredible awareness and integrity as well as the ability to relate to people from all walks of life. Being able to lean on him to get perspective has allowed me to tackle whatever life throws at me or whatever I pursue.
Most important lesson I’ve learned in business: Take the emotion out. I was negotiating on my own behalf on a real estate deal and I got caught up in wanting to win. I lost all power and ended up “getting the deal,” although not on the terms I should have accepted. Looking back, I realize I let emotion get the best of me.
First job: Cutting grass.
Favourite pastime: Being outside.
I’m currently reading: Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
Favourite movie: Braveheart
Favourite song: Red Eye by Vance Joy