Builder proposes 30-storey mixed-use tower near Westboro transit station
Plan calls for 2,500 square feet of ground-floor retail space and 353 apartment units.
Builder proposes 30-storey mixed-use tower near Westboro transit station
Plan calls for 2,500 square feet of ground-floor retail space and 353 apartment units.
Developer looks to build 22-storey highrise at Carling and Churchill
A 260-unit highrise might soon pop up on Carling Avenue if a local developer secures a bylaw amendment to build as high as 22 storeys
Developer proposing eight-storey mixed-use building on Hamilton Avenue
An Ottawa developer wants to construct an eight-storey building near Tunney’s Pasture that would include 75 residential units and a mix of office and retail
Surface Developments plans 12-storey condo for growing Scott Street corridor in Westboro
An Ottawa builder is proposing a 56-unit condo project for a rapidly developing stretch of Scott Street in Westboro. Surface Developments, which has built several
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EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall