Ottawa’s Grant McDonald and Carol Devenny not ready to hang it up just yet
Former office managing partners with KPMG Ottawa, PwC Ottawa continue second careers while based in Barbados
Ottawa’s Grant McDonald and Carol Devenny not ready to hang it up just yet
Former office managing partners with KPMG Ottawa, PwC Ottawa continue second careers while based in Barbados
Former Deloitte Ottawa partner Abbott takes on new leadership role at BDO
Veteran accountant becomes BDO’s new managing partner and will oversee 270 employees at nine locations in Ottawa and the surrounding area.
EY veteran Tomlin promoted to managing partner of professional services firm’s Ottawa office
Former tech executive has been EY Canada’s Ottawa-based digital and innovation partner for the past three years.
KPMG welcomes Andrew Newman as Ottawa office managing partner
Newman joined the Ottawa office of KPMG in 1992 and became an audit partner in 2005.
KPMG throws big party in stunning new O’Born Room at National Arts Centre
Reception draws 350 guests, celebrates theme of ‘service’ to businesses and broader community
Devenny and McDonald: Life partners at home, rivals in the workplace
Here’s a question you’ll never hear asked over dinner between Carol Devenny and her husband Grant McDonald: “So honey, how was your day at work?”
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EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall