Business: Cybersecurity
Born: Lima, Peru
Biggest business achievement: Founding and bootstrapping a high-tech startup – which has grown to millions of dollars in annual revenues – while working with an incredible team and helping to increase the security posture of organizations of any size, worldwide.
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Biggest obstacle overcome: Maintaining a strong culture and work ethic while simultaneously scaling the solution, capturing market share and growing our team.
Biggest influences: My father, Hernan Matute – the co-founder of Cyphercor – inspired me to relentlessly and purposefully pursue my passion and become an entrepreneur. He passed away in 2017.
Biggest lesson learned during COVID-19: Appreciation and gratitude
Charitable involvement: The Ottawa Hospital Foundation and The Matute Legacy Endowment Fund
First job: Paperboy for the Ottawa Citizen
Advice I’d give the younger me: Believe in yourself. Never give up.
Favourite pastime: Quality family time