Op-ed: Crafting a new plan for growth in Ottawa
The only thing certain about city planning is that there’s nothing certain about it. Not in absolute terms, anyway. The notion that the city can
Op-ed: Crafting a new plan for growth in Ottawa
The only thing certain about city planning is that there’s nothing certain about it. Not in absolute terms, anyway. The notion that the city can
City staff recommend council say yes on pot stores in Ottawa
Ottawa city council should allow private cannabis retailers to set up shop in the capital once the stores become legal next April, municipal staff say
LRT reshaping city-wide development, audience hears at Ottawa’s Economic Outlook
The pending arrival of light rail is fuelling a wave of new development applications and changing the way builders view future projects, speakers told a
Op-ed: Why council shouldn’t opt out of cannabis storefronts in Ottawa: Leiper
Cannabis is now legal in Canada, and one of the first issues with which the new Council will be seized very soon is whether or
City of Ottawa to study potential Barrhaven LRT expansion
With plans for the second phase of the LRT already a go, the City of Ottawa is now studying ways to extend light rail to
City of Ottawa forecasts $14.4M surplus in 2018
As the city heads into a fall election, finance officials are predicting that the municipality will end the year with a sizable surplus. In a
Transport Canada awards $300,000 to Ottawa cleantech auto projects
A slew of federal government grants awarded to Ottawa organizations are looking to advance new technologies and reduce the carbon footprint of Canada’s transportation sector.
Beyond buildings: Why infrastructure design matters in Ottawa
Every year or two, Ottawa residents are treated to a feat of modern engineering as construction crews replace an aging bridge spanning the Queensway over
The change we need to bring more women to the council and board tables
Of the more than 100 people who are registered to run in this year’s municipal election campaign, approximately 20 per cent are women. Although that’s
Local startup lands public safety deals with Nokia, City of Ottawa
A local startup has secured a couple of back-to-back deals that will see its public safety applications integrated into the City of Ottawa’s Fire Services
Get up-to-date news about the companies, people and issues that impact businesses in Ottawa and beyond.
Budget-Friendly Tips for Buying a Home in Ottawa
OGC Design + Build: Client Reviews Helped Boost Business
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall