With LRT on the horizon, Ottawa city staff propose realigning Slater Street

Roadway redesign comes as city prepares to decommission Transitway


The city has settled on a preliminary road realignment plan that would see the western intersection between Albert and Slater streets simplified as the city moves towards decommissioning the Transitway with the opening of the LRT.

A memo sent to members of council by transportation boss John Manconi provided an update on the design study of Albert Street and Slater Street.

The preliminary design would see the westernmost end of Slater street moved north, while Bronson Avenue would be widened to include four lanes.

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The plan still needs the sign-off of the NCC, since the proposed alignment of Slater Street cuts through a chunk of federal land. Manconi said in the memo, however, that preliminary discussions with the NCC suggest that they are supportive of the design.


“This concept improves the road grid network and simplifies intersection operations, while also providing more land for infill development,” wrote Manconi. “As it exists now, a number of the intersections in the area include three streets, often with unorthodox angles.”

The public will have a chance to weigh in on the design, as well as see the other options considered, at a public meeting later this fall. A full proposal is expected to be tabled next year, with construction planned to begin in 2019.

This story originally appeared in Metro News.

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