Economic data
Statistics Canada will release wholesale trade figures for July on Monday. The release comes after disappointing manufacturing and retail sales figures for the first month of the third quarter.
DHX earnings
OBJ360 (Sponsored)

From $1 Million to $10 Million: Key Financial Metrics for Scaling Success
Congratulations! Reaching $1 million in revenue is an incredible achievement (less than 10% of businesses ever get there). It’s proof that your vision is working, your customers see the value

New development in Kanata by Lepine connects business and community
Les Boutiques at Carré Saint Louis is bringing exciting retail opportunities to the heart of Ottawa’s west end. Developed by Lépine and exclusively leased by Campanale, this mixed-use development in
DHX Media hosts its fourth-quarter and fiscal 2019 conference call on Monday. The Toronto-based producer and distributor of child and youth-oriented programming recently named Eric Ellenbogen, a former president and chief executive of Marvel Enterprises, as its new chief executive.
Tech conference
The Elevate tech conference kicks off on Monday in Toronto, featuring a variety of speakers including Michelle Obama, Chris Hadfield, and Martha Stewart.
Latest from BlackBerry
BlackBerry will hold a conference call for its second quarter on Tuesday. BlackBerry shares took a deep dive in late June as concern about a competitor seemed to overshadow first-quarter financial results that were ahead of analyst estimates on several key measures.
Investor conference
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will be hosting its annual Eastern Institutional Investor Conference in Montreal on Wednesday, where executives from more than 65 companies will be speaking, beginning with CIBC chief executive Victor Dodig.