City council has managed to avoid an Ontario Municipal Board hearing by settling appeals with several parties over its new development charges.
The charges, which go to pay for the growth-related portion of capital costs for a number of services like transit, new roads, and sewers, are updated every five years. Every update is subject to appeal.
The city came to terms with appellants on reductions in rates for growth-related road projects. There will be no reductions on public transit, the city’s top growth-related funding priority.
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Under the settlement, new homeowners outside the Greenbelt will pay $28,651 per single-family house in development charges, rather than $30,362. New homeowners inside the Greenbelt will pay $20,638, rather than $22,173. The fee for rural single-family homes is $15,921 rather than $17,474. Commercial rates will also be decreasing.
Somerset Coun. Catherine McKenney and Rideau-Rockcliffe Coun. Tobi Nussbaum were the only two councillors to vote against the settlement in what was a busy day at city hall.
Council also approved the timetable for developing and approving the 2016 budget and 2016 to 2018 operating and capital budget strategies. Kitchissippi Coun. Jeff Leiper was the only dissenting voice.
Council also approved a zoning amendment to allow a development on Fourth and Fifth Avenue by the Queen Elizabeth Parkway, a development that drew opposition in committee from some residents of the Glebe.
Council also approved the Community Design Plan for the former CFB Rockcliffe Base and a motion to allow corporate logos on Ottawa 2017 promotional material.