Authenticity and communications: The perfect marriage
In today’s media landscape, it’s very easy to get caught up in everything that’s trendy and hashtag worthy. But a key communications tactic that’s tried
Authenticity and communications: The perfect marriage
In today’s media landscape, it’s very easy to get caught up in everything that’s trendy and hashtag worthy. But a key communications tactic that’s tried
Why Strategic Communications has a role in the C-Suite
The days of a communication-team being a nice to have, or something to invest in if business is going well, are over.
The change we need to bring more women to the council and board tables
Of the more than 100 people who are registered to run in this year’s municipal election campaign, approximately 20 per cent are women. Although that’s
The right message is just smart business
In responding quickly and effectively to the controversy over arrests at its Philadelphia location this Spring, Starbucks provided a masterclass in how to handle crisis
Ottawa communications firm puts strategic storytelling at the centre of its success
It has often been said that change is the only constant in business – a philosophy the team at Syntax Strategic embraces. “The communications and
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How Emotional Intelligence Can Give Business Leaders a Competitive Edge
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall