Kanata-based cloud tech company Embotics acquired by Swedish enterprise
Embotics, which helps brands the likes of NASA and HBO manage their cloud-based services, has been acquired in an all-cash deal
Kanata-based cloud tech company Embotics acquired by Swedish enterprise
Embotics, which helps brands the likes of NASA and HBO manage their cloud-based services, has been acquired in an all-cash deal
People on the move: David Gourlay now playing for OSEG Foundation
An old sports adage says lessons learned in defeat pave the way for future victories. Though he’s not an athlete, David Gourlay is here to
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Canadian Trademark Office to send notices to random trademark owners to prove use of their marks
Don’t Let Your Passion Kill Your Business
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall