Calian subsidiary awarded air force contract renewal
Amtek Engineering Services, a subsidiary of Calian Technologies, was awarded a $15-million contract renewal Wednesday with the Royal Canadian Air Forces’ Airworthiness Program based in Gatineau.
Calian subsidiary awarded air force contract renewal
Amtek Engineering Services, a subsidiary of Calian Technologies, was awarded a $15-million contract renewal Wednesday with the Royal Canadian Air Forces’ Airworthiness Program based in Gatineau.
Calian CEO to retire, be replaced by BTS head
After 30 years with Calian Technologies, and 10 as its CEO, Ray Basler announced Wednesday he will step down March 31, to be replaced by
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Canadian Trademark Office to send notices to random trademark owners to prove use of their marks
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EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall