Making intensification work in Ottawa
More people living on less land means less sprawl. However, when poorly designed or located in inappropriate areas, infill development is often accused – with
Making intensification work in Ottawa
More people living on less land means less sprawl. However, when poorly designed or located in inappropriate areas, infill development is often accused – with
Beyond buildings: Why infrastructure design matters in Ottawa
Every year or two, Ottawa residents are treated to a feat of modern engineering as construction crews replace an aging bridge spanning the Queensway over
Beyond buildings: Why infrastructure design matters in Ottawa
Every year or two, Ottawa residents are treated to a feat of modern engineering as construction crews replace an aging bridge spanning the Queensway over
Architectural lessons from an Ottawa Valley laboratory
Travel two hours northeast of Ottawa to Chalk River, and you’re likely to see the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) – a complex established after the
Buying better buildings: How governments should hire architects
Procurement is the process used by large organizations such as governments to buy goods and services. There is an expectation – and a requirement –
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Budget-Friendly Tips for Buying a Home in Ottawa
OGC Design + Build: Client Reviews Helped Boost Business
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall