A career in the technology sector offers many advantages — innovation, global markets, a fast-paced and dynamic work environment. For all its allure, one problem persists in the technology sector, including at a local level. It’s the lack of gender equity in the tech labour force. Experts estimate that women make up less than 30 per cent of technology workers and that percentage isn’t rising fast enough.
In this episode of Techopia Live, Ottawa Business Journal publisher Michael Curran turns to two local experts in gender equity with very different experiences. Thusha Agombi graduated with an engineering degree more than 20 years ago, spending most of her career working in Ottawa. Charlotte Karam is a researcher and academic who specializes in inclusive human resource systems. She is also the director of the executive MBA program at the Telfer School of Management.
In recognition of International Women’s Day 2023, Techopia Live turns its attention to gender equity in the local technology sector.
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