Taking the ‘gamble’ out of buying a home

Ryan O'Connor
Ryan O'Connor
Editor's Note

This article is sponsored by Unreserved


Imagine playing poker with X-ray vision, knowing what cards the other players are holding before they’re laid on the table.

You’d be setting yourself up for quite the windfall.

Wouldn’t you like the same power when it comes to the larger pots life brings you, like buying a home?

OBJ360 (Sponsored)

This is where Unreserved is going all in, by changing the real estate model to the benefit of those buying, as well as those selling, their home. Unreserved is an online auction platform allowing buyers to see up-to-the-minute, real-time bids – guaranteeing market value or more for the seller. For the first time in the real estate market, Unreserved is giving complete control to the home buyer and seller.

How many home buyers in the past have raised their bid by thousands of dollars, just because they weren’t sure how high the counter-bids were?

The CEO of Unreserved, Ryan O’Connor, has effectively created a way to see your opponent’s bid on the same property.

Not even your realtor will know for certain what the competing offers are. Unreserved takes the guess work out of it and provides valuable data in real-time, to eliminate blind bidding, so you stay in control of how much to offer, and when.

But there is more to buying a house than just knowing how much to bid.

Today’s real estate market moves so quickly that most buyers get caught up in the emotions of wanting a property at all costs. With so many listings being sold in 24 hours, it gives buyers little time to decide how much to bid and, in most cases, forces buyers to waive a home inspection.

Unreserved has an answer to that, with a two-week viewing period allowing potential buyers the time to decide on whether they are truly interested in the home, allowing them to move forward with confidence instead of buying on emotion.

Interested buyers can book a private showing through their agent or independently if they decide not to use an agent, and can follow it up with their own home inspection, if they so choose.

However, Unreserved goes one step further, conducting its own home inspection before the house is even listed.

Zach, 25, a recent home buyer, dealt with the frustration of houses selling the same day they’re listed, before he and his fiancé could even view the property.

“We had to waive the inspection if we wanted the house. I wish we knew of Unreserved. It would have been a different story.”

Leave it to Unreserved to take the unknown out of the equation, leaving more money in your pocket.

Unless you like to gamble, of course.

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