Public Works is looking for “contiguous warehouse and special-purpose space” in a building in Ottawa’s east end.
Local landlords and developers had less than two weeks to respond to the request for information on Merx, a procurement site commonly used by the federal government. The offer expires March 27.
Public Works seeks approximately 64,000 square feet in the area bounded by Montreal Road (north) and Hunt Club Road (south).
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The eastern boundary consists of Hawthorne Road, Walkley Road, Highway 417, Innes Road and Blair Road, while the western boundary includes Vanier Parkway, Riverside Drive, Alta Vista Drive and Bank Street.
Both spaces must be next to each other in the same building, within 600 metres of a transit station, and have parking room and loading docks for at least five five-ton trucks.
The first area, Public Works stated, should have 47,102 square feet of space on the ground floor and 40 parking spaces, and be available 16 weeks before occupancy on Dec. 1 for fit-ups. Public Works requests a lease term of 15 years with extension options.
The second area should have 16,878 square feet of space, also on the ground floor, and be ready around May 1, 2013. Fit-ups would also commence 16 weeks ahead of time.
According to commercial real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield, the industrial market in Ottawa was steady in late 2011. Vacancy in the fourth quarter was 6.3 per cent, the same as Q2 and just 0.1 percentage point lower than Q3.