My Ottawa: Eat, bike, repeat — Pollster David Coletto’s favourite indulgences (think Italian)

David Coletto enjoys cycling in Gatineau Park. (Photo by David Coletto)
David Coletto enjoys cycling in Gatineau Park. (Photo by David Coletto)

If you read political news coverage in Canada, you’ve likely heard of David Coletto. 

Coletto is the founder, chair and CEO of Abacus Data, an Ottawa-based polling firm and research agency known for the latest findings on the state of politics in Canada. Coletto and his team are also interested in the impact of younger generations and their place in today’s society.

When he isn’t travelling the country to speak with clients and to the public, Coletto takes in everything Ottawa has to offer.

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In this instalment of My Ottawa, Coletto tells us about his love of cycling, cooking and sharing food with loved ones, as well as his favourite hype-up song before a meeting. 

What area of the city/region do you live in?

Champlain Park – Wellington West.

What type of home do you have (condo, house, etc.)?

House – a bungalow – I’m ready for it to be my forever home.

What type of pet do you have?

Goldendoodle named Chestnut.

What type of car do you drive?

Audi A3.

What’s your favourite part of town?

Gatineau Park – People who know me are aware that I’m kind of obsessed with road cycling. Gatineau Park is the best place to ride a bike – road or mountain – in, pretty much, the entire country. Ever since the NCC closed the road to cars it’s become an active living paradise. It’s my favourite thing about the National Capital Region.

What is your favourite place to eat in Ottawa?

Supply and Demand – It’s close to home and I’ve never had a bad meal there. We are so fortunate to have some amazing restaurants in the city, from the most delicious Vietnamese and Lebanese foods to some great fine dining options. But Supply and Demand, if I have to choose, is my favourite.

What is your favourite activity in Ottawa?

Farmers’ markets – The variety of the markets makes them so great. Walking to the Westboro farmers’ market with my wife and dog or spending a Sunday afternoon walking around the market at Lansdowne or the night market at Parkdale market – they are all so awesome.

What’s your favourite hobby?

Cycling and cooking – I ride so I can eat but both are important parts of keeping me sane. I travel about 120 days a year, speaking to groups large and small, sharing insights across the country and in the United States. Being home and riding my bike on a beautiful, early summer morning and then cooking in the afternoon are definitely my happy places.

What’s your favourite local charity or cause?

Ottawa Riverkeeper – I’m on the board and have been working hard to grow the organization and its impact for three years.

What’s your favourite festival?

Italian Week, including the Father’s Day bike race.

If you were to play tour guide for a first-time visitor to Ottawa for a day, where would you take them?

Parliament Hill – I am always in awe when I go near it.

What’s your favourite retailer in Ottawa?

I absolutely love Luciano’s – an Italian grocery store on Preston Street. They make the best Italian sausages in the city.

What’s your favourite live music or entertainment venue?

National Arts Centre.

What type of music do you listen to?

All types. Pretty much anything that plays on the Sirius Channel – Coffee House. I love bands like the Lumineers and George Ezra. Also a HUGE fan of movie and TV original scores. I listen to that when I work all the time. The Succession theme song is what I use to get into a good mindset for a tough meeting.

Where do you get your hair cut?

Gents Barbershop on Richmond Road.

What’s your favourite weekend outing to do with family or friends?

Cooking for friends and family. Food is a central part of my life – I’m Italian!

What Ottawa personality, past or present, do you admire?

Paul Dewar – I think he deeply cared about his community and was a nice guy who always wanted to make a difference.

If you took a staycation in Ottawa, what would you do?

Cycling in Gatineau Park, walking my dog around different neighbourhoods with my spouse and cooking at home.

What’s your favourite business event or conference in Ottawa?

Mayor’s Breakfast – Always interesting people and a great networking event.

What’s your favourite thing to do in Ottawa to pamper or treat yourself?

A great meal at a great restaurant.

What local business or attraction do you think is one of Ottawa’s best-kept secrets?

Luciano’s – I’m not sure if everyone who needs to know knows about how awesome that store is. Amazing products and love the people who work there.

What’s your favourite season to spend in Ottawa?

Summer and definitely NOT winter.

What’s your favourite thing about Ottawa?

The city is just so liveable. Amazing amenities, great people, outdoors on our doorstep.

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