Michael Williams, partner, Odgers Berndtson

Michael Williams
Michael Williams
Editor's Note

Each year, OBJ and the Ottawa Chamber of Commerce choose 40 of the region’s top young entrepreneurs and business executives and recognize them for their professional achievements, expertise and community service.


In these profiles, OBJ highlights some of this year’s recipients – their impressive accomplishments, what drives them and how they like to spend their downtime away from the business world.


See the full list of recipient profiles here and be sure to check out OBJ’s coverage of the 2018 gala here.

Birthplace: Montreal

Company: Executive search and leadership services

Education: Bachelor of social sciences, University of Ottawa (2006)

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Charitable involvement: The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association’s Champions Council

Biggest biz achievement: In 2017, I was named the youngest partner at Odgers Berndtson Canada

Biggest biz obstacle: Odgers Berndtson’s Ottawa office is relatively new and has had to compete with firmly established competition and some brand confusion following an acquisition. As an office, we have had to adjust our approach and re-introduce ourselves to the Ottawa market.

Biggest influence: My family. Growing up, my parents provided excellent examples and taught me the values of hard work and how much effort, focus and dedication is required for success. I want to set the same example for my sons.

Biggest lesson learned: Clear communication is essential to success.

First job: Retail clerk at Canadian Tire

Favourite pastime: Spending time with my family.

Favourite movie: Jurassic Park

Favourite local pro sports team: Ottawa Fury FC

Favourite local summer event: Ottawa Bluesfest

Preferred social media platforms: Twitter, Linkedin

Twitter handle: @mwilliams613

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EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall