Education: Entrepreneurship program, Algonquin College (2005)
Biggest business achievement: Starting Zinati Realty.
Biggest obstacle overcome: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I’ve often asked successful businesspeople what their biggest regret is, and the answer is always missing out on their spouses’ and kids’ lives when they were young. I’ve made it a priority to be there for my family every day.
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Biggest influences: My parents, who immigrated to Canada with nothing and sacrificed everything to provide their kids with opportunity. Knowing that drives me to succeed.
Most important lesson I’ve learned in business: Be persistent. When I was trying to break into the commercial real estate industry, I did my research and made a coffee appointment with a well-known broker. We met, and he said he was impressed but didn’t have a job for me at the time. I continued to keep in contact and never gave up until I sold him on giving me a chance to make my own position.
Favourite movie: Elf. Basically on repeat after Remembrance Day!
Favourite song: Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus