Feds need to be ‘more transparent’ about downtown office plans, major landlord says
The head of the city’s largest property management firm says the federal government needs to be “much more transparent” about what it plans to do
Feds need to be ‘more transparent’ about downtown office plans, major landlord says
The head of the city’s largest property management firm says the federal government needs to be “much more transparent” about what it plans to do
Sale of buildings on feds’ disposal list could be ‘several years’ away, PSPC says
The sale of aging federal government buildings in Ottawa could still be “several years” away, Public Services and Procurement Canada says, while a Crown corporation
Feds release ‘disposal list’ of NCR properties
The federal government this week released a list of several properties that it is planning to dispose of in the National Capital Region.
Business groups call on feds to bring public sector employees back to the office
In a letter with 33 signatories, business leaders argue that some governments are lagging in their plans to bring public-sector employees back to the office.
‘Office space is going to evolve’: Why brokers remain bullish on the future
Local real estate experts say that while office space is here to stay, it will likely be configured very differently once people start returning to
Could L’Esplanade Laurier soon be on the block?
Laurier Avenue complex and other aging federal properties could be sold to the private sector as the feds look to modernize their portfolio, the Ottawa
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OGC Design + Build: Client Reviews Helped Boost Business
Canadian Trademark Office to send notices to random trademark owners to prove use of their marks
EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall