Ottawa stands as a hub of groundbreaking technology, academic brilliance, and innovation across diverse sectors. Thanks to Think Ottawa, a unique partnership between Ottawa Tourism, Rogers Centre Ottawa, and Invest Ottawa, local experts in their respective fields are invited to think Ottawa as the ideal place to host conferences — and then receive comprehensive support to deliver an extraordinary event in Canada’s capital.
From assembling a local organizing committee to crafting a coordinated bid, Think Ottawa offers support and resources for identified local leaders. In return, participants gain enhanced visibility within their field, the opportunity to showcase their expertise on the global stage, and a seamless event experience that elevates their industry’s profile.
“There are tremendous economic benefits to hosting a conference for the city because there are profits from the conference, but beyond that, when you see researchers, the academics, the hospitals, when they host a conference it’s typically because they’re leaders in that field or sector and so they’re really able to put their work on the world stage when they host an international conference,” says Lesley Pincombe, vice-president, business and major events with Ottawa Tourism.
That’s why Ottawa Tourism is urging industry leaders to think of Ottawa when they are planning conferences.

“People hop on a plane every year and go to their annual international conferences, and usually they don’t think, ‘Maybe I should host this or put up my hand next time it’s coming around to Canada.”
While hosting national and international conferences brings clear benefits — such as economic growth and increased tourism visibility — Think Ottawa’s powerful trio of partners brings even more value. Conferences are a way to highlight the tremendous achievements of people who may not otherwise gain recognition.
“Many researchers and staff are deeply engaged in their work within hospitals and research facilities, and they don’t typically make the natural connection to hosting conferences,” says Pincombe.
All the support you need
This is where Think Ottawa enters the picture with a range of support for industry leaders. This includes bid development, venue and accommodation support, government and community backing, financial assistance, and marketing and promotional materials.
“We can take the request for proposal, send it out, we get the pricing and availability, we help them visualize how the event would look and take place in the city, and then from there, it allows the client to garner support from their sector and to host the conference to build up a little bit of profile and some momentum,” Pincombe says.
To further solidify Ottawa’s reputation as an unforgettable conference host, Ottawa Tourism hosts the Think Ottawa Gala. The prestigious event, scheduled for December 3, 2024, celebrates local Leaders who have brought high-impact events to the city, showcasing Ottawa’s conference hosting excellence.
Pawel Hawrylak, a professor of physics at uOttawa and one of the awardees, shares his experience organizing the 2024 International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors with Think Ottawa earlier this year.
“Think Ottawa certainly helped to interface between the scientific part of the conference and the social part of the conference,” he says, adding that it is important for researchers to be recognized. “It increases visibility of the scientific community here in Ottawa and Canada in general.”
Ottawa’s world-class facilities, breathtaking beauty, and vibrant attractions, coupled with a seamless support system, make it a natural choice for conference organizers seeking an incredible destination. Positioned to lead the way in global conference hosting, Ottawa can rise to the top of every planner’s list.
The award winners for this year’s Gala include:
Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Association for Computing Machinery International Conference on Multimedia 2023, Think Ottawa Leader Award in International Events
Alastair Baird, Ontario Winter Games 2023, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Sports
Austin Moulton and Michael Sangster, National Association of Career Colleges 2022, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Small Events
Department of Environment and Climate Change Canada, United Nations 4th session of the International Negotiation on a Future Treaty for Plastic Pollution 2024, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Sustainability
Dr. Donna Johnston, International Society of Paediatric Oncology 2023, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Pandemic Resiliency
Eric Rancourt, International Statistical Institute World Congress 2023, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Science & Mathematics
IEEE Ottawa Section, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (2022), and IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Conference (2023), Think Ottawa Leader Award in Multiple Event Support Leader
Jennifer Stewart, University of Ottawa Conventions and Reservations, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Community Partner
Kaite Burkholder Harris, CAEH Canadian Conference on Ending Homelessness 2024, Think Ottawa Leader Award in National Events
Marc Frogette, International Indigenous Tourism Conference 2024, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Indigenous Events
Mathieu Roy, Trans Canada Trail Network World Trails Conference 2024, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Legacy
Dr. Patrice Corriveau and Dr. Stephanie Gaudet, Association Internationale Des Sociologues de Langue Francaise International Congress 2024, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Social Studies.
Paul Barnes, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers North America Conference 2023, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Natural Resources
Dr. Pawel Hawrylak, Dr. Guy Austing, and Ms. Kassaundra Richards, International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors 2024, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Information Communications and Technology
SAAS North, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Signature Event
Dr. Vivian Welch and Santina Lebrun, What Works Global Summit 2023, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Life Sciences
Dr. Wei Huang and Luke Steiginga, IAVSD 28th Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks 2023, Think Ottawa Leader Award in Advanced Manufacturing