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Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services

Rideauwood Banner
Rideauwood Banner

Since 1976, Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services – a non-profit, community-based treatment centre – has been dedicated to supporting those impacted by substance use or behavioral addictions and related mental health issues. We serve youth and young adults (aged 12-25), adults, parents and families. We provide more than 15 comprehensive programs that include prevention, education, individual and group treatment. 

Whether it’s substances, gambling, gaming or other compulsive behaviours; and whether individuals want to reduce their use, use in safer ways or eliminate their use entirely, Rideauwood counsellors are here to help. We know that shame and the stigma around addiction can decrease the likelihood of people seeking the services and the supports they need. That is why at Rideauwood there is no “right path” to recovery – only the path that you choose.

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At a glance

Year founded: 1976

Geographic region of focus: Ottawa and surrounding region

Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,617,487

Top funding sources:

  • Government funding: 95%
  • Fees for service: 3%
  • Donations: 1%
  • Other sources: 1%

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How you can help


Donations are critical at Rideauwood because they help address the current gaps in our community for those who are struggling with substance use or behavioral addictions and related mental health issues.

Every year, waitlists for addiction services grow longer and overdoses continue to increase. The impact of COIVD-19 on the mental health of Ontarians is high, with 42 per cent of Ontario’s adults having increased their substance use or gambling use since the start of the pandemic. In Canada costs related to lost productivity due to substance use amount to $15.7 billion a year.

When you support Rideauwood, you are helping people reclaim their lives.


Volunteers are essential to Rideauwood. We wouldn’t be able to support and help those who are struggling with substance use or behavioral addictions without your help. Opportunities will vary throughout the year but could include assisting with our fundraising or outreach events, or becoming a board or committee member.

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Events and fundraising

Corporate partnership: 
Let us be your corporate charity of choice! Your donations, sponsorship commitments and fundraising event proceeds allow the ongoing support of individuals and families who are struggling with substance use and behavioral addictions. As well, your support helps in the delivery of prevention and education training and workshops for your employee community.

Medallion Night: 
Twice a year, the Rideauwood community comes together to recognize and honour the accomplishments of clients and family members as they mark an important milestone in their recovery journey. Through Medallion Night, we celebrate their perseverance, their dedication and their determination in achieving their goals.

Rideauwood Bands Together: 
A night of celebration, outstanding music and fun with all proceeds going to Rideauwood was to have been held Friday, April 3, 2020. COVID-19 forced us to reschedule the event to a future date, as soon as can be musically possible. In the meantime, we want to express our gratitude to the four local bands, incredible sponsors from the business community and the individuals who bought their tickets to support Rideauwood, build our fan base and raise awareness about our work. You rock! Find out more about Rideauwood Bands Together and our amazing sponsors by visiting

Board members and executives

Johanne and Bruno

Martin Methot (Vice-president)

Brenda Valente (Treasurer)

Anderson Joyce (Board secretary)

Shanika Abraham

Rolf Baumann

Stephan Desbiens

Jennifer Ellis

Gord Garner

Lois Graveline

Mark Patterson

Vera Reifenstein

Get in touch

312 Parkdale Ave.
Ottawa, Ont.
K1Y 4X5

Facebook: /RideauwoodOttawa
Instagram: @rideauwoodottawa

EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall