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Perley Health’s ‘Answer the Call’ campaign is making frailty-informed care a reality

On a recent tour – with all COVID safety protocols followed – of Perley Health off Russell Road in the Alta Vista area, I was astounded by what is happening at this leading long-term care home.  

The tour was a function of recently joining Perley Health’s Answering the Call Campaign Cabinet and their effort as they close in on their $10 million objective to transform care through a Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care with research priorities being chosen based on their abilities to make meaningful contributions to care in Canada and beyond. And my politico-DNA aligns with Perley Health’s commitment to influence government policies to achieve excellence in caring for seniors living with frailty.

What was striking was the depth of the campus, in terms of physical space including a gathering agora, combination gym/function hall, food cafeteria for staff and guests, and even an amazing little pub. It also boasts a jaw-dropping art studio complete with painting, pottery, word-working, and other craft-oriented pursuits.  And the quality of these projects was professional.  

In speaking with one of the dedicated staff (an artist in her own right) in the studio — along with several volunteers around my age or a bit older – art, in all its forms, is amazing therapy for cognitive and dexterity (think advanced arthritis) care.  Other benefits included improving memory, reduce stress, and alleviate many symptoms of dementia.

During my full morning at the Perley, every activity, each staff interaction with a resident, was driven by a passion to advance care for these older citizens … in their 80s, 90s, and those who have had 100 or more trips around the sun.  This is applied research in frailty-informed care, knowledge transfer among staff and with other healthcare providers and institutions in our city and well beyond, and constantly looking for new innovations – social, physical, technical – to improve quality of life for residents. 

Moreover, family members as caregivers and advocates are acknowledged and welcomed as integral to a resident’s care. Their observations help inform and improve care, activity, and nutrition plans for their loved ones. Seniors, veterans, and their families live with hope while feeling in control of their care and quality of life. Perley Health has the people, plan, and place to deliver on its vision of transforming care for seniors living with frailty while continuing to deliver exceptional care for its residents. 

As a kid from low-income housing in Toronto, getting my Honours BComm. from Carleton University and career progress – thanks to many mentors – in Ottawa has been a life changing blessing. To pay a tiny fraction of this back, I’ve invested time, money, sweat, and even my own blood (boxing hurts at times) in advocacy and fundraising for cancer care and research, our hospitals, and other important community causes over 35 years, 

Now, after visiting Perley Health, I am kicking myself for not supporting the Answering the Call campaign sooner. So my network of contacts is forewarned and will soon be hearing from me to also Answer the Call. 

EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall