OCAPDD’s purpose is to support community integration and personal well-being of adults with developmental disabilities within the City of Ottawa and Cornwall
OCAPDD provides support to hundreds of persons with developmental disabilities, in every aspect of life; whether seeking work opportunities, securing living arrangements or dealing with day-to-day tasks.
One of OCAPDD’s strengths is we offer a full range of residential options from Supported Independent Living to total care homes. OCAPDD supports individuals at 26 sites in the Ottawa area, as well as seven residences in the Cornwall area. Residential programs are open 365 days a year, with night and relief staff playing a crucial role.
Individuals receive ODSP, which is well below the poverty line. As a result, OCAPDD is active in fundraising, usually to provide social and recreational activities for members as well as essential items.
- Government funding: 89%
- Individual donations: >1%
Funding Priorities
The Studio – A shared creative space at Silver Spring Farm where people can create, learn, earn and lead while having fun and building friendships.
How you can help
One-to-one volunteer or community friend: Volunteers are matched with a person with a developmental disability in order to spend leisure time together. This may include going to a movie, sports event, walks, or quiet time together. Whatever is enjoyed – the possibilities are endless.
Activities for daily living: Assist in programs such as teaching cooking, crafts or other skills.
Fundraising: Volunteers are always needed for various fundraising activities and to help create new ones.
Silver Spring Farm: Volunteers are always needed for various activities from May through October at the farm.
Volunteer hours are flexible evenings or weekends; once a week, twice a month or whenever you are free! Please visit our website for opportunities as well as Volunteer Ottawa.
The Silver Spring Farm Agriculture Project
In its 26 years of activity, the Project has been an overwhelming success, raising over $500,000 for OCAPDD. Those funds have been used to support sending individuals to camp each summer, and to purchase Christmas and birthday gifts for individuals who do not have family involved in their lives.
Volunteers devote hundreds of hours every year to the planting, weeding, fertilizing, scaping, harvesting, sizing and selling our garlic – with 40,000 cloves planted by volunteers every fall. Silver Spring Farm is located at 1701 Robertson Road. The project runs from May to December.
Charity Gift Wrapping Center
Over the past 22 year relationship, Carlingwood Shopping Center has donated all of the necessities to make this fundraising activity a huge success. This has included complimentary space to OCAPDD along with all of the boxes, wrapping paper, bows, ribbon and tissue paper! This 22 years relationship has helped us raise more than $200,000. The funds are used to support individuals in emergency situations with food, clothing, hygiene products, etc. The charity gift wrapping center runs from the beginning of December to Christmas eve.
Annual Charity Golf Tournament
We host an annual charity golf tournament on the 3rd Monday in June at Hautes Plaines golf course. During the dinner, we have a 50/50 draw, a silent auction table as well as two live auction items. Sponsorship and gift donation to our auction helps us raise dollars for special programming that supports individuals with developmental disabilities.
Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
229 Colonnade Rd. S
Ottawa, ON
K2E 7K3
- Year founded: 1950
- Total revenue for last fiscal year: $31,520,289

Kathleen Stokely
Peter Homulos
Vice president
Al Roberts
Christine Trauttmansdorff
David Newman
Jodie Karpf
James Smith
Leanne Pelley
Leslie Walker
Martha Marr
Majid Turmusani
Wendy Wharton
Ottawa-Cornwall area