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MS Society of Canada

MS Society
MS Society

Our mission is to connect and empower the Multiple Sclerosis community to create positive change. We provide information, support and advocacy to people affected by MS, and fund research to find the cause and cure for the disease, bringing us closer to a world free of MS.

At a glance

Year founded: 1948

Geographic region of focus: Canada

Total revenue for last fiscal year: $54,074,108

Top funding sources:

  • Individual donations: 72%
  • Corporate donations: 8%
  • Government funding: 5%
  • Other charities: 2%
  • Other sources: 13%

How you can help


Our fundraising efforts are put towards funding:

  • Support programs including webinars, online fitness and wellness classes and peer-to-peer programming;
  • Advocacy work that focuses on things such as employment and income security, increasing access to treatments and investing in comprehensive care and housing, and accelerating research; and
  • World-leading MS research in a variety of areas, including causes and risk factors, symptom management, mechanisms of disease, imaging, wellness and treatments. 


We are here to ensure that no one faces MS alone. In communities across Canada, our volunteers help provide information, support and other resources for people with MS and their families. Opportunities include:

  • Volunteering for a fundraising event (MS Walk, MS Bike, #WeChallengeMS)
  • Becoming a community leader (committee member, fund development)
  • Lending your expertise (marketing and communications, policy planning)
  • Offering direct support to individuals living with MS (peer support, wellness programs, self-help groups)
  • Helping with educational events 
  • Supporting and advocating for issues faced by people affected by MS

Get involved! Call 1‑800‑268‑7582 or visit

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Events and Fundraising

MS Walk

MS Walk is our largest fundraising event series with 120+ events across Canada. Each May tens of thousands of people rally together to take a stand against MS. This year they united virtually. Over MS Walk’s 30+ year history the event has raised more than $100 million. Registration:

MS Bike

A fully supported cycling series, MS Bike inspires participants to do something great for themselves and the MS community. Since 1989 over $60 million has been raised by 80,000 participants. This year MS Bike went virtual, challenging cyclists to choose their distance and join our online community. Registration:

Women Against MS

Women Against MS is a powerful collective of 1,400+ professionals nationwide who support our cause to fundraise and honour women who make a difference in business and the community. WAMS is a networking opportunity for professionals wanting to support one of Canada’s leading health charities. Since 2005, WAMS has raised $4.3 million towards a new generation of ground-breaking Canadian researchers working together towards a world free of MS. Bringing together guests from five events across Canada, this year’s WAMS Gala goes virtual on November 20. Learn more:

Burgers to Beat MS

In partnership with A&W Canada, Burgers to Beat MS is a fundraising and cause marketing campaign that takes place annually throughout the summer. A&W restaurants raise money from their community and donate $2 from every Teen Burger® sold on Burgers to Beat MS Day to support those living with MS. Raising more than $16 million in 12 years, A&W is the MS Society’s largest historical and annual corporate partner. The campaign also brings with it significant media and public awareness through the support of our spokesperson, Christine Sinclair.

Board members and executives

Pamela and John

Susan Senecal – Vice-chair (British Columbia) 

Valerie Hussey – Past-chair (Ontario)

Gaylene Bonenfant – Treasurer (Alberta) 

John Clifford – Secretary (Ontario)

Lynda Archambault – (Quebec) 

Rahil Dattu (Ontario) 

Marilyn Emery (Ontario)

Michael Giuffre (Alberta)

Joe Healy (Manitoba) 

Kent Kirkpatrick (Ontario) 

Brian Kusisto (Saskatchewan) 

Jean-Sylvain Ouellette (Quebec) 

Tracey Wahba (British Columbia) 

Kim Wilson (New Brunswick)

Fundraising priorities

The current health crisis related to COVID-19 has impacted all Canadians, and for those affected by MS it’s another uncertain and unpredictable concern on top of an already challenging disease. The need for information, resources and support programs for people affected by MS is as urgent and critical as ever. Canada has been a global leader in the field of MS research but COVID-19 is putting these ground-breaking research projects at risk. Community support is critical to help ensure researchers can continue their work.

Get in touch

300-885 Meadowlands Dr. E.
Ottawa, Ont.
K2C 3N2

Twitter: @mssocietycanada 
Facebook: /MSSocietyCanada
Instagram: @mssocietycanada

EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall