Ottawa Business Journal is an independent Canadian journalism organization that operates based on widely recognized journalistic principles and practices.
These include, but are not limited to, the following commitments:
OBJ makes every reasonable attempt to verify the accuracy of its news and information. Unless otherwise attributed, all content is original and does not rely on mechanisms such as artificial intelligence.
OBJ explores issues and events from multiple perspectives, free of bias and stereotypes. OBJ will extend a right of reply to key subjects of stories prior to publication. If those sources cannot be reached in a reasonable time, the article must explain what efforts were made to reach them.
OBJ conducts news gathering and reporting free of censorship and pressure from special interests, including advertisers, sponsors and public officials.
OBJ clearly identifies paid content and maintains a separation between journalism and advertising.
OBJ presents information from sources, such as direct quotes, without altering their intent or meaning. Quotation marks indicate that what is printed between those quotes is what was said. Exceptions to this rule are few and usually relate to the differences between written and spoken language that may require minor copy editing for clarity, including the use of ellipses and brackets.
OBJ will not agree to any request from the subject of a story to read the story in advance of publication. On occasion, OBJ may ask one or more experts to review a draft or information contained within to ensure factual accuracy, usually in the case of complex scientific, medical, legal, and financial matters.
How OBJ deals with sources
OBJ collects information from sources and makes these sources publicly known. In rare instances, OBJ will collect information on the following basis, as described by the Canadian Association of Journalists:
- Not for attribution: OBJ may “quote statements directly, but the source may not be named, although a general description of his or her position may be given.”
- On background: OBJ may “use the essence of statements and generally describe the source, but we may not use direct quotes.”
- Off the record: OBJ may “not report the information, which can be used solely to help our own understanding or perspective.”
OBJ strives to reflect the diversity of the community and demonstrate cultural sensitivity.
Corrections and reader comments
When a factual error is made, either in online or printed editorial copy, OBJ is committed to correcting the error as quickly as possible and publishing a correction in the case of significant factual error.
OBJ gathers information with the intent of making it available for public consumption. OBJ does not “unpublish” or remove information from its public channels, except in cases of egregious error or when legally required to do so.
OBJ encourages readers to share their perspectives by commenting on its stories, either directly or through social media. Posts that are libellous, inflammatory, used to market a company/product, or are otherwise off-topic may be removed.
Photography and images
News images are not manipulated, combined, or distorted either in a camera or on a computer, outside of minor adjustments for colour correction, exposure correction, and removal of dust spots or scratches.
Complaints and concerns
OBJ operates in a transparent manner and responds to complaints and concerns, including criticism of our reporting. Complaints or concerns should be emailed to