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How to communicate with the CRA: A comprehensive guide

Moe Tabesh writes about communicating with the CRA

Whether you’re an individual taxpayer or a business owner, understanding how to communicate with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) effectively is crucial for managing your finances and ensuring compliance with tax laws. From seeking taxpayer relief to disputing assessments through an objection letter or filing specific forms like the T2062, the process requires a clear understanding and strategic approach.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover:

  • Engaging with the CRA: Understand the intricacies of effective communication.
  • Submission Process: Learn how to submit documents online with ease.
  • Drafting Communications: Tips for creating a clear and compelling letter to the CRA along with templates.
  • Professional Guidance: The value of seeking expert assistance, especially when faced with complex tax matters.

For those who find themselves at a crossroads with the CRA, remember that professional guidance is just a step away. Firms like Numetrica City specialize in smoothing out the wrinkles in your tax communications, offering a beacon of clarity in the often murky waters of tax disputes. 

Understanding the basics: Who is the CRA?

A Brief Overview of the Canada Revenue Agency

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is the federal body responsible for administering tax laws for the Government of Canada, as well as for most provinces and territories. Established in 1999, the CRA evolved from its predecessor, the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, to focus solely on tax and benefit administration.

The CRA’s primary functions include:

  • Tax Collection: The CRA ensures that individuals, businesses, and other entities pay the correct taxes owed, following Canadian tax laws.
  • Benefits Administration: Beyond taxes, the CRA also administers various social and economic benefit programs. This includes, but is not limited to, the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) credit, and the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB).
  • Ensuring Compliance: The CRA conducts audits, investigations, and reviews to ensure compliance with tax laws, ensuring a fair tax system for all Canadians.

The Imperative of Compliance and Staying Informed

Staying compliant with the CRA is not merely a legal obligation; it’s a civic duty that ensures the proper functioning of the nation’s public services and infrastructure. Here’s why it’s paramount:

  • Financial Repercussions: Non-compliance can lead to penalties, interest, and even legal action. These can be substantial, depending on the nature and extent of the non-compliance.
  • Supporting Public Services: Taxes collected by the CRA fund essential public services, from healthcare and education to infrastructure and social programs. By fulfilling tax obligations, individuals and businesses contribute to the well-being and development of Canadian society.
  • Personal and Business Reputation: Compliance ensures that individuals and businesses maintain a good standing with the CRA, which can be crucial for securing loans, grants, or other financial opportunities.
  • Staying Updated: Tax laws and regulations can change. Being informed means taking advantage of benefits, credits, and deductions available to you, ensuring you only pay what you owe or miss out on entitlements.

Best practices for communicating with the CRA

Drafting a Letter to CRA

When reaching out to the CRA, it’s essential to ensure your communication is clear, professional, and effective. Here’s how to craft a letter that meets these criteria:

  1. Professional Tone: Begin your letter with a formal greeting such as “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.” Avoid slang or colloquialisms, ensuring your tone remains respectful throughout.
  2. Contact Information: At the top of your letter, include your full name, address, and phone number. If relevant, also add your Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Business Number (BN).
  3. State Your Purpose: Early in the letter, clearly indicate why you’re reaching out to the CRA. Whether it’s a query, objection, or request, be specific and concise. Mention any relevant dates or reference numbers to provide context.
  4. Include Supporting Documents: If you provide additional information or documentation, attach copies (never originals) of the relevant documents. Reference these attachments in your letter.
  5. Politeness and Courtesy: Maintain a courteous demeanor in your writing. Avoid confrontational or accusatory language, focusing instead on the facts and your specific request or concern.
  6. Formatting: Use a standard, readable font like Times New Roman or Arial. Ensure proper margins and spacing for a clean, professional look.
  7. Proofreading: Before finalizing, review your letter for any grammatical or spelling errors. A well-written letter not only conveys your message effectively but also reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

Submitting documents to CRA online

The CRA offers a secure and efficient platform for taxpayers and their representatives to submit documents online. This method is not only convenient but also ensures that your submissions reach the CRA promptly and safely.

Getting Started

  • Registration: Before you can submit, ensure you’re registered on one of the CRA’s secure online service portals: My Account, My Business Account, or Represent a Client.
  • File Formats: The CRA accepts various file formats such as .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, and .xps. For compliance and audit programs, additional safe file formats are accepted.
  • File Size and Naming: Each submission should not exceed 150MB, with a total size for all files not surpassing 1 GB. Ensure each file has a unique name. If zipped, files shouldn’t be password encrypted.
  • Reference Numbers: If a CRA official has given you a case or reference number, use it when submitting. If you’re sending additional documents related to a previous submission, use the initial reference number.

How to Submit

  1. Portal Access: Log into the relevant portal: My Account, My Business Account, or Represent a Client.
  2. Document Submission: Choose “Submit documents.” Follow the on-screen instructions using your case or reference number when prompted.

No Reference? If you lack a case or reference number, the portal will guide you to submit documents for specific programs. If your task isn’t listed, consider mailing your documents to the appropriate tax center.


  • Confirmation: Upon successful submission, you’ll receive both a confirmation and a reference number. Retain these for future communications.
  • Additional Documents: If you have more documents to send related to an initial submission, you can do so using the provided reference number. Always keep track of the versions of documents you’ve sent.

Key areas of communication with the CRA

Taxpayer Relief Provisions

The CRA recognizes that sometimes taxpayers face circumstances beyond their control that prevent them from meeting their tax obligations. In such situations, the Taxpayer Relief Provisions come into play.

What are Taxpayer Relief Provisions? 

Taxpayer Relief Provisions provide the CRA with the discretion to cancel or waive penalties or interest when taxpayers cannot meet their tax obligations due to extraordinary circumstances. These provisions are designed to offer relief to taxpayers from penalty or interest charges that have accrued due to reasons beyond their control.

Situations for Applying for Relief

  • Natural or Human-made Disasters: Events like floods, fires, or civil disturbances that disrupt normal living conditions.
  • Severe Illness or Accident: Health conditions or events preventing taxpayers from managing their financial affairs.
  • Emotional or Mental Distress: Situations such as death in the immediate family or severe emotional or mental stress.
  • Errors by the CRA: This includes delays in processing, incorrect information provided, or errors in CRA materials.

For a comprehensive understanding and to apply, visit the Taxpayer relief provisions.

Filing an Objection Letter

There may be times when you disagree with an assessment, determination, or decision made by the CRA. In such cases, you have the right to file an objection.

When and Why to File an Objection

  • Disagreement with CRA’s Assessment: If you believe there’s been an error in how the CRA has assessed your taxes, you can object.
  • Understanding Your Rights: As a taxpayer, you have the right to a review of your tax situation and to be treated fairly and impartially under established laws.

Steps to Draft an Effective Objection Letter

  1. Identify the Specific Issue: Clearly state what you disagree with and why.
  2. Provide Supporting Documents: Include all relevant information, such as receipts, logs, or any other documentation that supports your claim.
  3. Be Clear and Concise: Avoid unnecessary jargon. Stick to the facts and be as specific as possible.
  4. Include Necessary Details: Ensure you mention your full name, address, and the tax year in question.
  5. File Within the Deadline: Typically, you have 90 days from the assessment date to file an objection.

For detailed guidelines and to initiate the process, refer to the Objection details.

T2062 Request

The T2062 form, officially known as the “Request by a Non-Resident of Canada for a Certificate of Compliance Related to the Disposition of Taxable Canadian Property,” is a crucial document for non-residents involved in certain transactions in Canada.

What is the T2062 Form? 

The T2062 form is a request made by a non-resident seller to the CRA for a Certificate of Compliance. This certificate confirms that the non-resident seller has paid the Canadian tax due on the sale of the property.

Situations Where the T2062 Form is Required

  • Sale of Real Property by Non-Residents: If a non-resident sells Canadian real estate, they must notify the CRA and potentially pay tax on any capital gain.
  • Disposition of Shares: Non-residents disposing of certain Canadian company shares.
  • Other Taxable Canadian Property: This can include selling business assets or certain trust interests.

To understand the intricacies and to access the form, visit the T2062 Request.

Why you need professional assistance in communicating with the CRA

Navigating communications with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can often feel like a maze. From deciphering complex tax jargon to ensuring you respond on time, the challenges are many. A single misstep or delay can lead to penalties, extended disputes, and added financial stress.

This is where a firm like Numetrica City Tax Services becomes invaluable:

  • Clear Communication: They help you understand the technical language of the CRA, ensuring that you’re never left in the dark.
  • Timely Responses: With their expertise, you can be assured of prompt and accurate responses to any CRA inquiries, minimizing the risk of penalties.
  • Strategic Advocacy: Should you face disputes or audits, Numetrica stands by your side, using their deep knowledge of tax laws to advocate for your best interests.
  • Proactive Approach: Instead of merely reacting to CRA communications, Numetrica helps you anticipate and address potential issues proactively.


Effective communication with the CRA is a pathway to peace of mind. With Numetrica City Tax Services supporting you, you’re not just ensuring compliance; you’re setting yourself up for success in all tax-related interactions.

Are you facing challenges in communicating with the CRA? Don’t tackle them alone. Book an appointment with us on Numetrica’s website and let our experts guide you seamlessly through the process.