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Five reasons why you need a trusted partner to manage your data

Veeam delivers the tools to protect the data critical to your business


1. Downtime and data loss are business problems, not IT issues

Data protection and backup are often among the least appreciated aspects of IT, both in terms of budget and the perception of creating “business value” for the broader organization. 

Arguably, data protection and backup aren’t always respected even when compared to other facets of IT – until something fails, breaks, is overwritten or corrupted accidentally or on purpose.

A smarter strategy would be to think of backup the way most people think of insurance.

2. Continuous data availability is crucial for the modern enterprise

The criticality, the growth and the sprawl of data are putting enormous pressure on organizations to ensure the availability of data. It’s not enough to simply collect, store and protect data.

You need a new approach to manage data intelligently so that it can proactively respond to the needs of the business to ensure business continuity, reduce risk and accelerate the innovation of new digital services that improve how we live and work.

3. The rise of multi-cloud strategies complicates data access 

With market research firms like Forrester reporting that 86 per cent of enterprises have now embraced a multi-cloud strategy, it becomes critical that data and applications are always available across all cloud types – including private, public and hybrid clouds – to meet the innovation and competitive demands of your business.

4. SaaS providers often do not provide long-term data backup

Office 365 is the classic example. It’s surprising how often we speak with customers and prospects who believe their files and data will have long-term storage and backup with Office 365. In fact, Office 365 automatically empties its preservation hold library and recycle bins after 30 days. With the average length of time from data compromise to discovery being more than 140 days, the data can be long gone before a problem is even detected. It is the user’s responsibility, as detailed in Microsoft’s terms of use, to ensure long-term backup and security of their data.

5. Legacy backup falls short in a multi-cloud world

Availability and data protection solutions must meet the requirements of the 24x7x365, multi-cloud world in which organizations operate, but traditional solutions that have been adapted to this new reality often fall short.

A detailed study on Veeam’s behalf by market intelligence research firm Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) found that a modern data management and backup solution optimized for today’s virtual environments yielded substantially greater peace of mind and reliability than traditional “physical-first” legacy backup solutions that had been adapted to a virtual infrastructure.

About 83 per cent of Veeam customers reported being more confident in their current backup compared to their previous legacy solution, while 71 per cent of Veeam customers report improved reliability of backups compared to other solutions.

You can rely on Veeam

Protecting your data is critical to the success of your business, but it doesn’t have to be hard or complex. With Veeam, you’ll have all the capabilities you need to simplify your operation and drive down costs. 

Veeam offers data protection solutions for the multi-cloud enterprise with strong alliance partnerships and seamless technology integrations with the leading cloud providers.

Our strategy is built around three pillars:

  • Simplicity: Granular recovery, analytics, scalable architecture
  • Reliability: 100 per cent tested, portable data format, “it just works”
  • Flexibility: Software-defined, hardware agnostic, cloud ready

Veeam Availability Platform is the most complete solution for helping customers on the journey to improved data management to support better business outcomes. Trust us to close your data availability gap and ensure your digital life remains uninterrupted.

Protect your data

For a free trial, visit:   

To book a consultation, contact Damian Richman, Territory Manager, at


EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall