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Launch of new foundation for the future of a better Ottawa

June 7 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


OTTAWA, June 7, 2024 — Join us for the official launch of the Ottawa Architecture Foundation.

The Ottawa Architecture Foundation imagines a National Capital Region that thrives on beautiful, sustainable, healthy buildings, parks and places for people. A city where the public feels connected to the past and is engaged in creating the future.

Join us as we celebrate the launch of the Foundation and hear an inspiring talk by Dr. Carolyn Whitzman “Towards a Socially Just Architecture,” followed by a brief discussion.

Visit our website to learn more about the organization, join as a supporter or member and come to our launch on Friday June 7, 2024, at 3 Brewers Brasserie, 240 Sparks Street, Ottawa.

Attendance is limited, please RSVP!

About the OAF

The Ottawa Architecture Foundation is a public-facing organization dedicated to fostering conversations about architecture, design, and the built and natural environments. The OAF aims to stimulate inclusive conversations about architecture, improve design literacy and create a positive design culture in the National Capital Region.

Our governance and advisory boards are made up of architects, urban designers, landscape architects, planners, academics, writers, and critics who are committed to our vision. Please visit the website for more information about the Boards.

Our goals include:

  • Host film screenings and collaborate with local festivals on creative projects, showcasing Ottawa’s role in creative culture;
  • Develop and support guided and self-guided tours of Ottawa in partnership with Ottawa Tourism;
  • Host public discussions and panels on diverse topics including planning, urban and design heritage preservation in partnership with other organizations;
  • Introduce sustainable urbanism summer camps to Ottawa through No.9 Imagine My Sustainable Community;
  • Collaborate with allied organizations such as the Ottawa Regional Society of Architects, Heritage Ottawa, Vivre en Ville and others to reinforce broad messaging about the important role the built environment plays in the lives of people;
  • Foster design literacy and enhance public understanding of the built environment to create a positive, engaging and forward-looking design culture.


3 Brewers – Sparks
240 Sparks Street #Local C215
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6C9 Canada
+ Google Map