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CHEO Foundation

The CHEO Foundation raises funds in support of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), The Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre (OCTC), Roger Neilson House and the CHEO Research Institute.

CHEO logo
CHEO logo

With 167 beds, 71 outpatient specialty clinics and one of the busiest emergency departments in the country, the doctors, nurses, researchers and staff at CHEO-OCTC touch the lives of over 500,000 children and youth each year, providing the best possible health care for the children and youth in eastern Ontario, western Quebec and beyond.

The Foundation is responsible for developing, accepting, distributing, and recognizing philanthropy. Ongoing community support helps the hospital purchase specialized pediatric equipment and funds a wide variety of pediatric programs, research, medical and nursing education, and assistance for families in crisis.

In the next 20 years there will be 70,000 more children and youth in our region than there are today and the need for our services will continue to grow. Corporate support is an important part of the community’s efforts to help CHEO-OCTC remain strong. Our hospital functions with the help of government funding, but it is simply not enough. The excellence in health care that CHEO-OCTC provides would not be possible without the dedication of individuals and businesses in the National Capital Region and beyond.

Info at-a-glance

Year founded


Total revenue for last fiscal year


Geographic region of focus

Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec

Funding priorities

1) Specialized equipment
2) Life-saving research
3) Clinical services and programs

How you can help

Many patients and families at CHEO-OCTC share one thing in common: they are not in a position to be donors to support and improve the care
they receive. This is what makes supporting CHEO-OCTC so special and so important and it is a challenge that our community helps us meet
every year.

Your Support Funds

Medical Equipment: As the only pediatric hospital serving eastern Ontario and western Quebec, it is paramount for the doctors, nurses and staff at CHEO-OCTC to have the most up-to-date tools and equipment. Clinical Services and Programs: The CHEO Foundation funds numerous clinics within CHEO-OCTC from asthma to infectious diseases, weight management and everything in between. With over 170,000 patient visits to CHEO-OCTC’s 71 specialty clinics each year, donations in support of the clinics and programs at CHEO-OCTC are always an urgent need.

Research: Improving the health of our children and youth is at the very core of the work being done at the CHEO Research Institute. Research at CHEO-OCTC covers a full spectrum of pediatric topics. Thanks to donor dollars, funding keep scientists and clinicians working to discover new ways to more gently treat CHEO-OCTC’s most vulnerable patients.


One of the ways in which we make the best use of donations received is by harnessing the power of volunteers. Their various expertise and life experiences help ensure the success of our fundraising events. Opportunities include CN Cycle for CHEO in May, the CHEO Telethon in early June, and the RBC Race for the Kids in September just to name a few.

Family centred care

CHEO-OCTC has been providing family centred care to families in eastern Ontario, western Quebec and beyond since 1974.


Mollypenny, CHEO-OCTC’s beloved therapeutic clown, is part of the Child Life department.

Board members and executives

Headshot of Kevin Keohane
Kevin Keohane, President and CEO
Headshot of Liseanne Forand
Liseanne Forand, Chair of the Board of Directors

Chair: Liseanne Forand, Retired
Vice Chair: Peter O’Leary, General Manager, Donnelly Ford Lincoln
Treasurer: Ross Hunt, Vice-President Administration, Finance and Information Services, Costco Wholesale Canada
Past Chair: Mahesh Mani, Partner, KPMG LLP
Ken Ages, Principal, Paramount Properties
Katherine Cooligan, Partner and Regional Managing Partner Ottawa, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Christopher Dyrda, Retired
Dr. Nishith Goel, CEO Cistel Technology Inc.
Dr. Emma Gofton, Physician, Queensway Carleton Hospital
Ryan Kelahear, Business Development Manager Eastern Ontario, Colliers Project Leaders
Ainsley Malhotra, CHEO Volunteer
Susan Margles, Vice-President, Government Relations and Policy, Canada Post
James McKellar, President, AM-Tech Electrical Inc.
Shawn Mincoff, Partner, MNP LLP
Tom Papailiadis, Retired
David Rattray, President, Public Accountability Consulting Inc.
Anna Tosto, Senior Partner, Fasken Martineau

Get in touch

CHEO Foudnation
415 Smyth Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 8M8


EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall