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Candlelighters exists to enrich the lives of children, and their families, coping with childhood cancer and to raise awareness and understanding of the impact childhood cancer has on the families that are effected by it.

Candlelighters logo
Candlelighters logo


Through the delivery of Education Support, Family Support and Financial Support Programs, Candlelighters addresses the unique needs that emerge as a result of a childhood cancer diagnosis. The conventional school system is often not an option for children and youth receiving cancer treatment. CyberKids, a program that places laptop computers or tablets with newly diagnosed patients, gives kids the tools they need to support their academic endeavours.

The financial impact of caring for critically ill children is enormous as out-of-pocket costs incurred accessing care and being in hospital soar. Candlelighters covers all hospital parking costs, even when families travel out of the region for treatment. Gas and grocery vouchers are also provided and additional financial assistance is available for those families in crisis or facing extenuating circumstances. Families are important and every member of a family is impacted when there is a diagnosis of childhood cancer.

Info at-a-glance

Year founded


Total revenue for last fiscal year


Geographic region of focus

The National Capital and surrounding region.


How you can help


Imagine hearing the words “your child has cancer”. The sad reality is 65 kids will be diagnosed in this region every year – more than 1 per week. Candlelighters is here for families every step of the way, from the time of diagnosis through treatment and beyond. For most families, one parent stops working in order to care for the critically ill child. Treatment can last as little as 6 months (rarely) but can often go on for years. Loss of income coupled with unforeseen and cumulative out-of-pocket expenses has life altering impact; the emotional and financial burden can be overwhelming. Candlelighters provides real and tangible programming that address the unique challenges and ever emerging needs of families of children with cancer.

CyberKids is a program that places laptop computers or tablets with newly diagnosed patients, gives kids the tools they need to support their academic endeavours. Courage Beads document, honour and recount the individual journey of each cancer patient. Sibling Support recognizes this and gives kids indirectly impacted an opportunity to share experiences with other siblings of young cancer patients. Fun filled family events give everyone a chance to gather and create happy memories during difficult times.

Image of Courage Beads jewellery

Events and fundraising

Childhood Cancer Awareness Day
Childhood Cancer Awareness Day is proclaimed in the City of Ottawa to raise awareness about childhood cancer, and to express support for children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families.

Candlelighters Smiling Siblings – a monthly group get together for fun times and laughter especially for the brothers and sisters of young cancer patients, who often feel left out and alone when a sibling is diagnosed with cancer.

“Where There’s Light, There’s Hope”
Annual fundraising dinner, held each October at the Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club.

“Spring Blooms”
Art Show and Auction held in the spring at Koyman Galleries, this event showcases the artwork of young cancer patients and their siblings.

Nokia Powering the Inside Ride
Held annually in May at the Kanata campus.

Mayor Watson and Jacob. Mayor Watson supporting our efforts to raise awareness by proclaiming Childhood Cancer Awareness Day in the City of Ottawa.

Board members and executives

Headshot of Jocelyn Lamont


Headshot of Christopher Lawton

Atallah Sadaka. Director, Sgt. Ottawa Police
Caroline Joanisse, Director, Communications Director
Chris Wallace, Director, Lawyer
Christopher Lawton. Chair, Government Analyst
Jeff Black, Vice Chair & Treasurer, Business Owner
Mark Gawagy, Director, Wealth Advisor
Shaun Powell, Secretary, IT Sales

Get in touch

21 Concourse Gate, Suite 9
Ottawa, ON K2E 7S4

Twitter: @Candlelighters1
Facebook: @candlelightersottawa

EVENT ALERT: Mayor's Breakfast with Ontario Finance Minister on Wednesday, Dec. 4 @ City Hall