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At BriteSky, clouds do come in all shapes and sizes

Richard Losier
Richard Losier

What would be the perfect cloud architecture for your business?

A few years ago, Enterprise IT Infrastructure firm Decisive Technologies ran into a problem that any tech company would like to have – it was outgrowing its space.

Decisive decided to take its own on-premise server infrastructure and co-locate into a Tier 3 third-party data centre. The Decisive team laboured with this fledgling private cloud, to develop the kind of robust, flexible architecture it wanted but couldn’t find with the typical cloud service provider. 

Existing customers were enlisted into the process. It became an exercise in market-driven, iterative product development. Decisive soon realized it had created and validated the core technology for a whole new cloud service offering. 

In 2013, BriteSky Technologies Inc. was born.

A client-first approach

“We spent a year seeing how we could provide cloud services that would build value for our existing customers,” said Richard Losier, BriteSky’s Executive VP of Engineering and Technology. “The result was a win-win architecture for them and for us.”

This approach has proven to be distinctly different from that of big name cloud service providers, most of whom are either large Telcos with cumbersome service packages, or U.S based dot-coms that try to own and monetize clients’ data.

“As we’ve grown through hundreds of meetings with customers and prospects, we’ve realized we’re one of a rare group of service providers to have taken this client-first approach,” said President Joey Harrison.

Hybrid flexibility

Early on, it was obvious to the BriteSky team that few if any organizations, large or small, would ever take all their critical operations and data into the cloud. Instead, they needed a flexible, hybrid mix of services, both on-premise and in the cloud, full control over every bit of their data at all times, and the right professional advice and support. 

BriteSky assembled a specialized team of senior data centre managers experienced with working with enterprise grade hardware and data protection mechanisms. It then went a step further, by obtaining SOC 2 certification for its team, data centre and cloud.

“Our goal is to provide the same or better experience our clients would have if they were investing in building their own on-premise systems using tier one products,” Losier said. “Their cloud environment within BriteSky looks like their on-premise architecture and complies with whatever in-house security policies they may have.”

It’s all in the PODD

All of this is possible thanks to BriteSky’s custom-built PODDs (Portable, On-Demand Data centres). BriteSky has agreements with Canada’s incumbent Telcos to co-locate PODDs across the country as close as possible to its clients.

“A PODD looks and feels to our clients like it’s their own data centre,” said President Joey Harrison. “Within a PODD, each client gets their own Virtual Vault, custom tailored to their privacy and security needs. We can even place a PODD within a client’s own physical data centre.”

BriteSky’s PODDs are ideal for any business that wants an answer to traditional tape backups, or to develop a rapid disaster recovery plan and avoid the costs of setting up and staffing its own data centre. A PODD is ideal for aggregating disparate pools of data, to create a single data lake for mining and analytics.

Best of all, BriteSky’s clients can have actual face-to-face conversations to discuss the services they need and be confident their every dollar is well spent.

“Customers can meet with us to identify the unique requirements of their organizations,” Harrison said. “Everything we do is about doing the right thing for our customers.”

Have a chat with BriteSky about what your business needs. 

Local businesses to multinationals have turned to BriteSky for a truly flexible cloud service that breaks the mould. To learn more, please visit or call 613-836-3700.